Wednesday, 29 July 2015

A mind is a terrible thing to waste

What is Mental Slavery ? am poked everytime I think of this issue, am I a slave of my mind?? is my brain like that in the picture below ?? regardless I calld my blog In Thy Mind, I love to know what is going on in the head but hey !! is that slavery as well. here is what I read

Mental slavery is a state of mind where discerning between liberation and enslavement is twisted but then again what about those who were never enslaved or even do not have accestral back ground of slavery, why are they experincing Mental slavery?? 
Here is my take please correct me if am wrong and mind you am still thinking about the issue, I think it is deeper than just the picture.

Back in 1972 the United Negro College Fund realised that there were many bright, capable African American youth whose potential would be lost if they couldn't afford college and the sad thing was that the potrayal of a young black men to the society by the "media" was that they were angry, troubled, and dangerous. UNCF coined a slogan to point out that the brain, the mind is a powerfulplace that can bring equal opportunity and anyone with the right mind can use it as a weapon that can build to destroy. Unfortunately many try to manipulate the mind through experiments or other means without understanding how the mind really works.

The mind has more power than one can imagine but our eyes and lifestyles let's us succumb to a more relative way than try to give ourselves challanges or more tests to the abilities that we have. To those who undstood how the mide works long time ago they sometimes use these powers to overcome unsuspicious mind and innocent ones. The bible quotes "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.-Romans 12:2 " a little similar to what the German Philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche said that“The snake which cannot cast its skin has to die. As well the minds which are prevented from changing their opinions; they cease to be mind.”
This means that we have to keep testing our minds and push them to more than limits we should not stop on what everyone is saying or doing because they are the majority but have our own doubts about our thinking our ideas and ask questions to them in a self challanging manner. Education can bring a dot of enlightment to us but our experiences and our daily challenges makes us grow and mature.
Alot of minds today are trapped in what they call the norm or the fact that everyone wants to go along with that status quo, I wrote this post to challenge myself and see how far I can get in research and understandmind is the set of cognitive faculties that enables consciousness, perception, thinking, judgement, and memory—a characteristic of humans. Now when someone has lost their mind they have practically lost all five of human characteristics and basically they are no longer human at that moment and when we talk about mental slavery or mind slavery it means one or more of these characteristics have been captured and being mastered by somehting else, as the saying goes " A man is a slave to whatever masters him -2 Peter 2:19"
mind slavery or mental slavery so I can share with anyone who is interested even if they critise or praise I just want to try and not waste my mind but exactly what is the mind ?? A

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